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小编:Jennifer 165

政府类的话题在雅思作文task 2中属于高频话题,同时也是让烤鸭们颇为头疼的话题--替换词太少了!现在,就让我们来见识下这类话题中的高分单词与短语。

1. Government的替换词


A) Authority

例句:In the past the authorities were more concerned with punishing offenders. (过去政府机构对于惩戒违反者更为关注。)

B) state / country / nation

例句:The states should not have to provide care or financial support for elderly people because it is the responsibility of each person to prepare for retirement and support him or herself. (政府不应该给老年人提供医疗或者资金的支持,因为这是每个人自己的责任来支持自己退休后的生活。)

2. Laws and rules 的替换词


A) Regulation

例句:It goes without saying that any company will sooner or later go bankrupt without rules and regulations. (众所周知,任何一个没有规章制度的公司迟早会破产。)

B) regulatory policy

例句:A major goal of regulatory policy is to maintain order and prohibit behaviors that endanger society. (政策的主要目标是维持秩序、阻止危害社会的行为。)

The need for regulatory policies that ensure the sustainable growth of clean energy is apparent. (迫切需要政策来维护新能源的可持续发展。)

3. Set up censorship / play a regulatory role 发挥监督的作用

例句:To provide the youth with a healthy environment, government should play a regulatory role in introducing non-native films. (为了给年轻人提供健康的环境,政府应该在进口电影中发挥监督的作用。)

4.  Impose a ban on 严禁

例句:To reduce the pollutants in the air, local government authorities should impose a ban on smoking in any public places. (为了减少空气中的污染物,政府应该禁止公众在任何公共场合吸烟。)

5. Translate sth into action 将某事付诸实践

例句:Government are obligated to legislate for preventing child abuse and translate it into action. (政府应该立法防止虐童事件发生,并且将法律付诸实践。)

6. Formulate 制定

例句:It is of great urgency for governments to formulate a strategy to increase collective efforts from every sector in society to cope with environmental degradation. (政府应该尽快制定策略来聚集社会各方面的力量一起应对环境恶化问题。)

7. Allocate 分配

例句:Compared with government spending on medical researches, it is better to allocate money to the improvement of individual exercise facilities and daily diet. (与其把钱花在医疗研究上,政府不如把钱花在改善人们的锻炼设施和日常饮食上。)

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