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小编: 469

Section 1: The Climbling Sessions: Beginners Course (版本号V110219S1)

1. safety skills

2. on Tuesday evenings

3. Each session lasts one hour

4. 12

5. To learn climbing with any supervision

6. On Thursday evenings

7. To learn climbing on the rock

8. Throughout the summer

9. One month

10. 140-does not include transport

Section 2 沙漠旅行(版本号V110219S2)

11-13 选择题

11. What first attracted Naomi to go travelling in the desert? A

A the beautiful scenery she once saw

B the things she heard about from her husband

C the incidents that happened to her

12. What was the most important thing in travelling in the desert? A

A keep an open mind

B take detailed maps

C bring a lot of clothing

13. What was the best thing about travelling in a group for a long time to Naomi? B


B the fun company in the evenings

C the feeling of trust built up

·14-20 配对题

14. Atacama

15. Skeleton Coast

16. Moroccan Sahara

17. Almeria

18. Gobi

19. Thar

20. Ulurr-Uta

Section 3 论文讨论 (版本号V110219S3=V06120S3=V07131S3

·21-24 选择题

21. Why did Jenny get a low grade for her report? C

A Her report was too long

B She expressed different opinions from her professor.

C She hasnt given enough evidence for her opinions.

22. What did her tutor say about the examples in her report? B


B Some examples were inappropriate.

C More important examples should have been included.

23. What did Jenny frind most difficult to do?

A write an introduction


C decide how much detail she would include in her writting?

24. What was the tutors advice to her? A

A try to the paper from the point of view of the target readers

B read the

C read the previous reports

·25-30 流程图

25. Decide the purpose of the essay

26. Find out what a reader knows and expects

27. Write one sentence to summarize your idea

28. Collect relevant materials

29. Write an outline

30. Write a full draft

Aim to check for further information

Section 4 学术讲座Solar Power Purifier(版本号V110219S4

·31-36 填空题

31. High levels of salts make bore water unsafe to drink.

32. SW 40 makes the bore water clean it can be used in hospitals.

33. SW 40 can work effectively but sometimes it is quite slow.

34. They want to get money from an agency called Health International.

35. SW 40 can provide an maximum output of 9 litres on a sunny day.

36. Each SW 40 purifies enough clean water for a family.

·37-40 图标标记题

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