小编: 707part 1
1. Name
名字,中文名字含义,未来换吗? 你的名字有甚么特殊含义special meaning ? 在中国都是谁给孩子起名字的?如何起名?在你们家有谁给你重名么?what kind of name you will give to your child?
2. Study or work/subject
学生还上班,如学生,专业,原因?Is it difficult ? 你喜欢这个专业么?是谁为你选的专业?喜欢什么时候学习?喜欢和别人一起学习吗?which subject you learnt is most difficult ?
3. Hometown
看新闻么?都是看什么类型的新闻Do you want to be a reporter/journalist? 喜欢newspaper or news from Internet.? 国内新闻看的多还是国外的? 经常讨论新闻吗?从哪里获取news,比较关注什么新闻、为什么,年轻人和老人关注的新闻有什么区别?
5. Dictionary
Do you often use the dictionary? Are dictionaries important? Which do you prefer? Book dictionary or electronic dictionary?
放学后怎么relax?Your relaxing way ? why people need to relax ? 小时候玩什么,喜欢户外活动还是室内的,哪种对小孩子有益,现在小孩子的对比?
7. city and countryside
你居住的城市是什么样的?Do you live in a small city or large one?
8. music & Song
What kinds of music you like ? 音乐对孩子有什么影响? 孩子学习乐器musical instrument重要么?,小学喜欢唱歌么,歌词重要还是旋律重要do u like sing?最喜欢的歌手?
9. Computer and internet
用电脑多吗,干什么,网络对生活的影响,网络未来的发展? internet 上网做什么? 家人是否上网?,电脑对你的有用么,你第一次用电脑什么时候你觉得对于儿童教育电脑必要么?
10: cooking
who is your first cook. who usually cook in your family ? will you cook future ? What ? Why 为什么自己不学? 在中国做菜节目流行吗? 你做过什么菜 会上学菜的培训班吗 做菜节目在中国流行吗
11. clothes and fashion:
Who choose clothes for you when you were young ? why? What kind of clothes do you like now? 会帮助朋友买衣服吗?
12. Walk
13. Plant
你喜欢种植物么?do u like plants/wanna got a plant as a gift? Do you have much knowledge of plants? What do you need to do to grow plants? what kind of plant do you like? are you good at taking care of plant?
14. history
Biography 传记
Auto-biography 自传
Acquire/get/obtain the knowledge of history.
know history from TV or online? a history event or person u wanna know ?
be curious about… 对。。。好奇
legendary figure 传奇人物
controversial 有争议性的
still be debated by public/folks.
When did you begin to learn history? Do you think it is interesting to learn history?
From my perspective …
From my point of view…
Personally speaking…
In my mind…
As far as I know/I am concerned…
Generally speaking=on the whole…
To tell the truth…
Story-telling with some legendary figures throughout the whole history.
Dig into the … I wanna to get the truth/get the picture …
Fascinating …
Spark /arouse my interest to learn history.
What kinds of historical events or characters did you learn from history book?
15. Sunny day
你喜欢阳光么? 你在晴天做什么?晴天影响你的心情吗?能忍受在没阳光的地方吗?Do you like spending time on sunshine day? Have you ever been to a sunshine place? What will you do in sunny days? Have you ever travelled in sunny days?
16. politeness
How to show polite in your country ? 在中国什么是有礼貌,有关礼貌的规则有没变化等? How do people show politeness in your country? Who taught you to be polite? When do you need to be polite? Do you think that politeness is important? Why?
17. birthday party
birthday的一堆堆问题,怎么过生日啊,什么时候的生日最重要?What do you usually do on your birthday? Do you think that birthday is important to you now? why? 你国家最重要的生日是多少岁?
18. Rain:
Do you like rainy days? How does rain infect people’s daily life? Which cities in China have the most rain?
Do you like watching TV? What programs do you (most like to) watch? What types of program do children in China like to watch?家里人看一样的节目吗?
20. Relative
21. Train:
Do you like traveling by train? Are trains popular in your country? Talk about something interesting you met when taking a train.
22 : Activities:
what’s your favorite activities? indoor or outdoor and why ? whaty’s the difference between now and your childhood?
23: On time 准时:
家乡的人是否都遵守时间、时间重不重要? Do you think it’s important to be punctual? How important is it? Have you the experiences of being late
24. online shopping:
25: language learning:
Do you think it’s difficult to learn a foreign language? Can you speak any other language expect English? What do you do for learning a second language?
part 2
1. 描述一个你想共度时光的人/ P2一个你愉快相处的人( Describe a person you would spend time with ) part 3 social behavior, what managers should do for staff ? how people treat with famous people ? should people spend time alone?
2. 描述一个家访的人--P2an occasion when someone visited ur home P3别人去你家住家里还是酒店好/酒店员工应该接受哪些training/酒店应该提供哪些设施和服务/国家应该怎么做让外国游客觉得自己被welcome/世界那么多国家怎么能了解每个国家的文化
3.描述你最近遇到的一个有趣的人/一个你的一见如故的人/好久未见的好朋友/你第一次见过的一个朋友( describe an interesting person person/ good friend who are not seen for a long time of yours /aclose friend you first met ) ( part 3问到了跟父母相处重要 还是跟朋友相处重要? 怎样交朋友。。朋友之间最重要的是什么?
4.描述一你们国家的名人( A famous/important person in your country )part 3如何变的有名,有名后有什么变化,什么人喜欢出名,出名后对家人的影响…?
5. 描述一个帮助过你的陌生人( Describe a time when a stranger helped you )
6.描述你认识的一个智慧的人( Describe an intelligent person you konw) part3 关于老师怎样交学更有效,老师和父母哪个更重要在小时候? is intelligent selfish do people like to be labeled genius quality should teacher hv 老师做什么让学生对学习感兴趣? 老师怎么培养孩子的intelligent 你认为老师应该具有什么品质 intelligent天生还是靠后天培养 家长起到什么作用你认为high intelligent 的人快乐么
7: 描述一个老友相聚的场合/时刻( describe An occasion when met an old friend)
8: 描述一个动作影片明星 (describe an action movie star p3 action star 为什么被人们喜爱? 赚钱多fair吗? entertainment for children / anyway 是个nice person ?
9. 描述一个喜剧演员 (describe a comic actor)
1 .老题)---描述一老照片( describe an photography )( Part 3喜不喜欢把照片洗出来? 摄影容易么?摄影当做学科? 各种照片,儿童照,家庭照? 喜欢自己照还是摄影楼照?买东西受不受广告影响?
2.(老题,半高频)--描述你喜欢读的一东西 (describe sth you like reading /A book you want to read again/describe sth you read you will recommend to others )(part 3 為什麽喜歡reading,為什麽有人從來不reading等等?
3. (旧题重现)—描述一你在正式场合穿的衣服 ( clothes you like wearing on formal occasions? what,how often,where to buy,whyP3传统服饰,什么时候会穿着? 网上购物的坏处?如何治理? 在衣服上的花销? 会根据衣服来判断人吗? 好调换衣服吗在中国!人们什么时候穿正式服装? 花很多钱在衣服上吗?人们购物都是买衣服吗?为什么花长时间买?网购优缺点?人们会常穿话题说的衣服吗?
4. (2013年9月新话题)描述一个你依赖的东西(手机,电脑除外))Describe things you cannot live without-mobile phone or computer
5.(2012年旧题回归) 描述一个艺术品或雕塑( Describe a statue or a piece of art )P3:什么样的艺术品遭喜欢,还有其他类型么?有关传统的艺术 什么是大家最喜欢的 我周围人喜欢不 你认为传统艺术的将来会怎样should governments pay it for artist?老人和年轻人对待艺术的态度?现在什么艺术在你们国家最流行?艺术家有被支持的必要吗?
6. 描述你们国家生产的一流行商品(describe a popular product from your region ( food, handicraft or car ,etc.)
7. 描述你省钱买的特殊的东西(describe a time you saved money for buying a special thing)
8. 描述你家中的一个古老东西 (describe an old object in your family p3是否该保护文物啦,博物馆。。
1. (旧题此次重考)----描述一你喜欢的房子(Describe a house you like ) part 3 advantage and disadvantage between house and apartment?
2.(2013年5月份新题)描述一个有趣的国家/你感兴趣的国家--(Describe an interesting country/A country you are interested in .(not your own) ,you should say. Which country it is , where it is located, from whom you heard about this country , and explain why you think it is interesting.
3. 描述一靠水的地方 (describe a place near the water.why? What did you do there?) part3 比较water 和sea。谈及节约用水啊。你认为生命起源与海洋还是外太空 ?
4. (2013年9月新话题) 描述一个吸引你的旅游胜地--par2 tourist attraction that attract you par3 各种par2延伸的问题 Whatattractions are popular in china ? do the young like visiting the forbidden city Great Wall? Should be free? By visiting can learn what?,旅游景点对本地人应该更便宜么?对外国人应该贵点么?免费开放给本地人合理么?应该有年龄限制么
5. 描述你想去的一个不在你们国家的地方--describe a place-not in your country,you want to visit in the future P3:landscape in China,政府该不该限制游客? 中国东部和西部有什么不同。人们为什么喜欢go to nature on holiday ? 你所知道的nature in Africa and South America?
6. 描述一个远方旅游 ( Describe a place far away from you hom you’ve traveled to)
7. 描述你喜欢的一个餐馆(describe a restarant you like) part3为什么选择去外面吃饭,好处坏处?
8. 描述一个你访问过的公园花园( describe a beautiful garden or park you visited) part 3 谁应该承担修建医院或花园等措施的责任,为什么?
9. 描述一个古老建筑(describe an ancient building )
四,经历类( experience)
1. (2013年5月份新话题)--描述某人到你家拜访你的情景(Describe an occasion when someone visited your home )part 3问到了感觉怎么样?一般朋友去你家,你会怎么款待他们?你觉得款待重要吗?去家拜访流行吗?你会去别人家吗?问了好多问题,只记得这些,请问这是新题吗?
2.描述你想同别人共享的特殊的一顿饭( describe a special meal you would like to share with) part3:小孩和成年人选择food差异 地区之间差异? 食品质量重要性? 人们更注重price 还是quality……?
3..描述你收到的一封信( Describe a letter you received )P3各种关于手写信,打印信,和email的比较
4.(老话题,)----描述一次你参加过的或者你从电视上看到的体育赛事或其它赛事/描述你想看的一体育(比赛))(Describe a sport event or other types of competition which yourself want to go there to attend or watched from TV/ describe a sports competition you want to watch)( Part 3问到了最喜欢的体育明星 电视上看比赛以是否受欢迎??
5 .(2012年旧题)---描述一个重要的/错误的决定_Describe an important /wrong decision that you made (什么决定,谁做的,结果如何,你为什么觉得这个决定是错误的);P3 老师应该帮学生做决定吗 什么决定父母不该参与 公司做决定应该听取个人意见吗
6. 描述你一次搬新家或者学校(Describe a time/ocassion when you move to a new house or school ( part 3搬家利弊 换工作利弊 小孩和成年人对change的看法各种变化的利弊?
7. ( 2013年9月新话题) 描述你参加过的一种比赛--part2 what type of competition did you take part in?part3 中国人现在都喜欢参加什么类的competition?员工工作没paasion作为公司有啥解决办法单身
8. (2013年9月新话题)描述一个有趣的谈话-Describe a special conversation with someone you never met before.。part3:关于聊天的一堆问题,什么方式聊天,面对面还是电话or电脑,回答用电脑,就会按回答跟着走,用什么软件聊天应该帮助邻居吗?怎么帮助老年人的邻居 ?为什么有人愿意做志愿者?本地人是怎样帮助外地人?
9. 描述你很忙碌的一时刻( Describe a time you were very busy) , part 3 问到了什么时候,怎么处理?
10: 描述一件让你生活往好的方向转变的事件 ( describe an important event that changed your life)
11: 描述一忘记做的事(describe sth you forgot to do)
12 .描述一个你青少年时期的积极经历(describe a positive experience when you were a teenager)
五, 社会人文类(social& Media & Others) (其它)
1. (老题)--- ( 2012年1月份新题)—( )/ 描述一个难忘的、有趣的广告( describe a advertisement you remember/an interesting advertisement ) (part 3 问到了P3有些广告专门针对孩子好不好? 现在的一些广告手段有哪些? 怎么样?有些广告里面有音乐会不会使人们更多关注音乐而不是产品本身?
2. (描述如何学习第二语言—Describe sth you use to help learning another language)
3.(2011年旧题重现)---描述一有用的喜欢的网站( A useful website you like) (Part 3问到了do chinese people use internet?do chinese people shopping in the internet?advantages and disadvantages? can tibet and xinjiang access to the internet? 网络在中国流行吗?在网上购物吗?什么东西适合在实体店买?网络会取代教室授课吗?
4.(2012新话题)---描述一个未来计划/你曾经有过的一个计划(学习,工作除外)(describe a future plan/Describe a plan you have/what do you plan to do without relation with job or study) (Part 3问到了你国家的人会制定职业计划吗?各种关于计划的问题现在的人喜不喜欢做计划? 为什么有的人不喜欢做计划?你平常都是如何做计划?为什么有些人不喜欢做计划?你有什么好建议给那些人?
5. (2013年9月新话题)描述一个你知道的家族企业( Describe a family business you konw ) part 3 和家人工作的优缺点?成功商人必备的条件?商人冷酷有思想狭隘好吗?你愿意开小公司还是大公司?为什么有人自己开公司?家族企业利弊,要有什么品格才能运营企业,为什么..?
6. 描述你最喜欢的季节/天气( describe your favorite season/weather)
7. 描述一个让你感兴趣的历史事件( Describe a historic event that interests you )
8.描述你第一次想做的体育运动(P2 a sport u want to do for the first time P3关于运动利弊和极限运动?
9. 描述一个你不喜欢的电影 ( describe a film don't like ) Part3 difference between home cinema, technology affact communication?
10. 描述你高中时不喜欢的一个科目 a subject u didn't enjoy in highschool/secondary school.
11. 描述你在学校里选的一门课 ( describe a cource you choose) P3你倾向于早上学习还是下午,成人教育为什么会出现,成人教育的学费应该从哪里来 为什么有些人不愿意成人教育你觉得成人教育会更流行
12: 描述一异地文化(describe a place you visited to learn about another culture) part 3 各种travel和culture交织的问题 什么方法去学习文化,什么工具可以学习文化,现在和过去的方法有什么区别 ?