小编: 436如下为2月22日雅思笔试听力部分,根据各考生回忆,将其所回馈的信息中整理出对应机经版本的比较具体的答题。新题部分可能不完全全面具体。但是,作为各位考生备考需要的机经,需要学生选择权威的环球教育听力机经,有出版的,也有电子版本。备考学员可根据考试日期,购买最近日期出版的机经或打印一份;基础较为薄弱的考生可根据自身情况制定一份听力机经学习计划,将自己不熟悉,不认识的单词勾画下来并将其整理在准备的单词笔记本上,特别应当对答案词汇进行重点记录。每日将整理好的单词进行诵读和抄写,最终达到听说读写四会。建议以15天--20天为学习周期。关于雅思听力技巧,雅思全套课程的备考准备可咨询“南通环球教育”教学部专业教学团队。新浪微博 @ 南通环球教育直营校 @南通环球教育教研部
NB:这次考试还是旧题 但并非如之前那样是套题,现在版本号待定
Section 1: 活动咨询:一位女士咨询潜水班
·1-10 填空题
1.level of beginning class
2 The month on July
3 On a Saturday
4 Initially, they will have indoor training
5. they will dive in a lake at a mountain
6. Equipment, only need to buy diving mask.
7. We also give homework every night.
8. fee: 375
9. writing the health information on the form
10. website
Section 1 还是一如既往的预定咨询场景,也没有难的词汇,考生们多多熟悉场景
Section 2 旅游咨询:西班牙旅行团(V06110S22)
·11-14 单选题
11. How many people the ferry can contain? C
A 350 B 600 C 2000
12. 什么需要装到separate bags里?选B
A food B reading materials C medicine
13. 定的这个酒店好的原因是:选B
A washing facility B games room C a number of single rooms
14. 酒店规定:选C
A 带走酒店物品 B 固定时间后不能进 C不能在花园里抽烟
·15-17 填空题
15. socks
16. total block
17. plastic
·18-20 多选题
作者提到的旅游特色选 A D E
A. altitude
B. coastline
C. temperature
D. vegetation
E. wildlife
Section 3 讨论:课程讨论
·21-25 单选题
21. before preparation of the class, they ____ 选B: get the permission to visit the pond
22. Why do they decide not to use a worksheet? 选 Because they do not want to make it too individual
23. What’s their purpose to do this? 选 To identify the food chain.
24. 为什么使用movie而不是看live animal?选A: practical
25. What advice does the professor give? 选 The professor suggest to provide video to the class
·26-30 配对题
26. 选report ideas
27. 选 do a list
28. 选 listen to the teacher
29. 选 worksheet
30. 选 drawing
Section 4 学术讲座
·31-34 选择题
·35-40 填空题
35 developed by the army
36. following learning information
37. open questions
38. talk to other group leaders
39. provide instructions to employees
40. check review all the time