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小编: 382

环球教育 束裕




  1. Deer有antlers, 其中一种不象其他,这种鹿male female 都有(考)。有几个假设,第一散热,因为角上有很多血管,但是,如果那样, 冬春角的size 小 in fact, in cold climate, antlers are larger,所以不正确。第二吸引male,不对。第三打架 对.因为有五分之一的male fighting死了。
  2. 地球起源, 科学家提出一个设想,大气full of methane, 小分子合成蛋白质, 30年后又一个科学家做用mixture of methane, oxygen合成出蛋白质,但是蛋白质自己不能复制,不能完全证明理论正确, 后来人证明那两个科学家不realistic, 还有其他可能, 比如彗星撞地球, 地球内部开始发生变化。
  3. 关于中国艺术,和西方的不同,比如丝绸,瓷器是代表,中国从商朝开是,人们注重祭司,比如古墓中发现art carts,青铜之类



  1. 学生Paul 去学校办事处reserve room他晚了因为堵车, 工作人员吃午饭回来也晚了, 她在等一个学生who supposes to be there 15 minutes ago. 工作人员把他当成另外一个Paul who will be working in this centre. 后来发现学生想reserve的那个房间不available 了, 最后book了另外一个房间,也能看见river,不用担心天气
  2. 一个德国的现代建筑设计师,用现代的材料盖房子,后来这人去哈佛做领导,给他们带去了fresh air, 他设计了New York楼. 学校给了一块地给这个人,让他自己盖自己的房子,房子完全体现他设计特点.用solar power, 通风考虑到风向, 用塑料。
  3. 有一女生,教授让她帮忙。让想申请他们学校的学生熟悉校园,在四月份,她太忙,教授为毛管这个闲事呢,因为他今年在招生委员会里,这里有一题,教授今年和去年有什么不同,选2个答案。
  4. 固氮, 地球上氮是循环的,不然也会象其他气体一样变少. 一些少数的菌把气太的氮变成可被动植物用的氮化合物.可是近来人类农业发展,使用太多氮肥料,造成污染,因为天然氮源不能维持农作物大量生产. 但是化肥造成环境污染,特别是在发展中国家,这里有一题,结果产生酸雨,把土壤中的重金属都冲走了.危害生物.尤其在海洋里,大量海藻生长,挡阳光.其他海洋生物死掉
  5. 讲Archaeology考古学。老师问用陶器pottery可以用来鉴定时代,但是仅仅如此吗?(有题)不是的。还同时研究pottery的功能,但研究功能很难,因为首先pottery往往不在它被用的地方发现,其次在一起的pottery未必有一样的用途。(有题)最后说了一种很诡异的pottery的设计,说材料和设计要想搭配。
  6. 驯鹿reindeer为什么能适应寒冷的环境。一,小鹿生下来很快就能站能走能跑,因为鹿群总是要移动很远的距离来寻找food,所以驯鹿baby也有了这样的能力(有题)。二,驯鹿的腿部的脂肪含有的fat有different chemical structure,像gel一样,不会冻起来,驯鹿不需要浪费体温来保持腿部热量,因此有了更多的体温保留在core body,而重要的器官都在那呢。三,很重要的一点,驯鹿根据季节的不同会分泌不同的微生物以消化不同的食物,而且驯鹿什么都吃,甚至吃一些别的物种或食草动物不吃的东西lichen(地衣),因为lichen中的某种chemical导致味道不佳,因此没人和驯鹿争,而且别的动物食物匮乏的冬天它们还是有地衣可以吃,还讲了一下地衣是藻类和真菌的共生体。地衣营养少,但是驯鹿的消化系统里面有微生物能帮助它们摄取营养,这些微生物很神奇:随着季节更替驯鹿的食物会变化,而这些微生物的种类也跟着变。



Describe a person you’d like to know more.

Some people prefer to go to the same place for a vacation. Others prefer to go to different places and spend time at each place. Which do you prefer?

Reading: Student should be allowed to use cell phone in the library.

Listening: The woman disagrees. Firstly, Library should be a quite place. If students talk with lower voices or whisper, they cannot be heard, so they have to take loudly and make noise, which cause distraction to other students. Secondly, if students expect emergency calls, they can go out to check the messages.

Reading: Test costumers -- people who are hired by employers to evaluate the employees’ performance during work. They pretend to be normal customers.

Listening: To demonstrate this definition, the professor takes one of his friends as an example. A restaurant manager wants to observe how well the waitress and waiters do. She watched by herself, but it was unsuccessful because people who are observed will behave better than usual. So she hired a man who pretends to be a normal customer in the restaurant, asked a waitress’ questions, then report to the manger later. For example, he will report whether the waitress is friendly and polite.

Man’s problem: He wants to go to a trip with the French club, but he does not have money to buy a ticket.

Suggestions: The first one is to work for extra hours in a restaurant to earn money for the ticket, but he has to study for his exam next week and he will be busy. Second one is to sell his guitar to a student, but that is a nice guitar and he likes it very much.

Lecture: Loon birds are water birds live in cold climate in North America. They have two types of feather to protect them in cold water. The first type is surface feather, which is the outer layer of the birds’ body. This type of feather keeps the birds dry and it is packed tightly to prevent the water going into the body. The second type is down feather, which keeps the bird warm. It is dense and thick and is made of soft fluffy material. So it prevents the heat loosing for the body.


Integrated task:


  1. 埃及人用concrete做其他的东西,如一种花瓶长细脖子不可能用天然石头雕刻。
  2. 显微镜下发现bubbles in building material
  3. moisture inside champers of the pyramids are released from concrete


  1. people can cut rock into half and make special shapes, then glue them
  2. bubbles come from concrete, but that concrete repair the pyramids later since they built over 4 years ago
  3. moisture is left by visitors

Independent task:

Do you think people should buy things made in their own country, even though the price is higher than those made somewhere else?

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