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如下为1月25日雅思笔试听力部分,根据各考生回忆,将其所回馈的信息中整理出对应机经版本的比较具体的答题。新题部分可能不完全全面具体。但是,作为各位考生备考需要的机经,需要学生选择权威的环球教育听力机经,有出版的,也有电子版本。备考学员可根据考试日期,购买最近日期出版的机经或打印一份;基础较为薄弱的考生可根据自身情况制定一份听力机经学习计划,将自己不熟悉,不认识的单词勾画下来并将其整理在准备的单词笔记本上,特别应当对答案词汇进行重点记录。每日将整理好的单词进行诵读和抄写,最终达到听说读写四会。建议以15天--20天为学习周期。关于雅思听力技巧,雅思全套课程的备考准备可咨询“南通环球教育”教学部专业教学团队。新浪微博 @ 南通环球教育直营校 @南通环球教育教研部



Section 1: 生活场景:找搬家公司搬家(V111201S1=V30072S1

·1-6 填空题


2 Clark House (地址)

3 University Drive (街道名称)

4 Monday 11th (打包的时间)

5. Thursday 14th (清空房子的时间)

6. one month (准备时间)

·7-10 分类题 Classification/Matching


A  emergency (保险公司专门为顾客照相,应急用的包裹,马上打开就可以使用)

B.  personal   (自己随身携带)

C.  packed with other belongings (和其他物品一起打包即可)

7. Cutlery and dished----A

8. ****----C

9. Clothes-------B

10. CD---------C

Section 2 社会活动:      火灾预防知识讲座(V111201S2=V09134S2

·11-20 选择题

11. select tree with soft leaves

12. house need not too close to trees

13. place between 10-15 meters

14. secure the roof with no gaps

15. clean the rubbish from roof

16. remove gas tanks from the yard

17. all family members should be told

18. brush fire usually occurred in October

19. remember to take a radio and batteries

20. trainings will be given to volunteers starting from in 4 weeks

Section 3 演讲:女生在酒店实习后准备主题演讲(V111201S3=V09102S3

·21-26 配对题

A. not well organized

B. too tired

C. too strict

D. too noisy

E. how the routine

F. the staff are lack f patience

G. cover a wide range of work

21. restaurant C

22. coffee bar E

23. cleaning D

24. shop A

25. reception G

26. personal service F

·26-27 单选题

27. What’s the use of internship

A benefit future career

B benefit the current study

C benefit the current study

28. suggest the man to ask for

A tutor

B hotel manager directly

C career office in the end

29. why does the woman has to be a presentation?

A tutor needs the report back


C to demonstrate how to do a presentation

30. what’s the man’s task and what solution does he take?


B business

C use video approach

Section 4 企业文化:一家印度公司的创新(版本号V111201S4

·31-40 填空题

31. ticket

32. employ first

33. training

34. self-assessment

35. communication

36. democratic

37. promotion

38. income

39. solution

40. ban

Section 3一般都是以选择题为主;此次Section 4中有几个单词拼写有难度,但是均为机经内的词汇,所以考试们要好好背机经词汇

有规划 更自信
