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小编: 499

雅思口语Part 2预测
Describe a picnic you enjoyed
You should:
l  Say who you with
l  Say what did you do
l  Say why you like this picnic
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a competition you participated
You should:
l  Say what kind of competition it is
l  Say when and where was held
l  Say why you like this competition
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a website you often visited
You should:
l  Say what website it is
l  Say how often you visit this website
l  Say do you think it is useful
l  Say why you like this website
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe an artistic product
You should:
l  Say what it is
l  Say when and where you got this product
l  Say whats the special of this product
l  Say why you like this product
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a traditional event
You should:
l  Say what it is
l  Say why you like this event
l  Say what did you in this event
l  Say how you enjoyed in this event
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a wide animal in your country
You should:
l  Say what it is
l  Say what’s the appearance and life inhabitant  
l  Say why you like this animal
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe an important message you received/Letter
You should:
l  Say who the message was from
l  Explain how you received this message (email, text message, phone call, etc.)
l  Describe what the message was about
l  Explain whether the message was good news or bad news
l  Say how you responded to this message
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe an important decision you have made
You should:
l  Say whatdecision it is/was about
l  Say Why and How you made this decision
l  Explain whether this decision was good or bad
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe an electronic item or gadget that you bought (or received) recentlyYou should:
l  Say what the item was
l  Say who bought it for you, and why
l  Explain what the item or gadget can do (what are its functions?)
l  Give reasons why you like it or dislike it
l  Give your opinion about whether you think this gadget will still be useful in 10 years
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.
Describe a cafe that you like
You should:
l  Say which cafe it is
l  Say where the cafe is
l  Say how often you go there
l  Explain what the atmosphere is like in the cafe
l  Explain what kind of food and drink is available in the cafe
l  Explain why you like this cafe
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a game you played in your childhood
You should:
l  Say what the game was called
l  Say how old you were when you played this game
l  Say who you played the game with
l  Briefly describe the rules
l  Explain whether you liked this game or not, and why
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a group activity=team project
You should:
l  Say what this activity was called
l  Say what rules of this activity is involved
l  Say who you played the with
l  Explain whether you liked this activity or not, and why
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a change in your life
You should:
l  Say what the change was
l  Say how old you were when this change happened
l  Explain why the change happened
l  Describe how this change has affected your life
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a book you have read more than once
You should:
l  Say what the book is called
l  Say how old you were when you read it for the first time and how old you were when you reread it
l  Briefly explain the plot
l  Explain why you like the book and why you reread it
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a special meal
You should:
l  Say what the occasions was
l  Say who was eating with you
l  Say when this occasion took place
l  Briefly describe the food that you ate
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe your preferred mode of public transport
You should:
l  Say what mode of public transport you prefer
l  Say why you like this mode of transport
l  Say how often you use this mode of public transport
l  Explain the advantages of this form of public transport over other forms
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a science class that you have experienced/Maths class
You should:
l  Say when this science class took place
l  Say who the teacher was for this class
l  Say who you attended this class with
l  Briefly describe what you learned about
l  Say whether you enjoyed this class, and explain why you remember this class so well
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe an event in history that you find interesting
You should:
l  Say what the event was
l  Say when the event took place
l  Explain why it was important to the people involved
l  Briefly describe what happened
l  Say why you find this event interesting
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe an advertisement that you like
You should:
l  Say what product the advertisement is for
l  Say where you saw or heard it
l  Briefly describe the advert
l  Explain how the advert promotes the product
l  Explain why this advert is memorable and why you liked it
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a language you would like to learn
You should:
l  Say what the language is
l  Say which countries speak this language as a first language
l  Explain why the language appeals to you
l  Describe the benefits to learning this language
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe an invention that has benefited humanity=Something you cann’t live without
You should:
l  Say what the invention is
l  Say when it was invented and by whom
l  Describe the events leading up to the invention
l  Explain what changes this invention brought
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a park you like to visit
You should:
l  Give the name of the park and say where it is
l  Say how often you go there
l  Describe the park
l  Say what this park has that other parks do not have (why is this park special to you)
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe an interesting country=Describe a place you would like to visit=a place where you like to listen to music (这三个考题类似,思路一致)
You should:
l  Say where the place is
l  Describe what you find interesting about the place
l  Say what there is to do and see there
l  Say whether it will ever be possible for you to go there, and if so, when you plan to visit
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a crowded place=shopping street
You should:
l  Say where this crowded place is
l  Say how often you visit this crowded place and why you go there
l  Give reasons why it is so crowded
l  Say whether you like this place or not
l  Say whether this place benefits from being crowded or whether it causes problems
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a place near water (the sea, a river, a lake and so on) that you have been to.
You should:
l  Say where this place is
l  Say how often you visit this place and why you go there
l  Give reasons why you like this place
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a sport competition you watched
You should:
l  Say what sport was being played
l  Say when the event happened
l  Say which teams (or people) were competing
l  Say where the competition took place
l  Explain what was especially memorable about the competition, and why you enjoyed it
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a training class that you attended
You should:
l  Say what the class was
l  Say when the class took place and who you attended the class with
l  Briefly explain about what you learned
l  Say what the benefits of the class were to you
l  Say whether you enjoyed the training class and why
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe something that you are proud of doing
You should:
l  Say what you did
l  Say who you did this with
l  Explain how you planned what happened
l  Briefly describe what happened
l  Explain why the memory of this event makes you so proud
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a job you would like to do in the future
You should:
l  Say what the job is
l  Say when you hope to begin this job
l  Explain why this job appeals to you
l  Say what qualifications or skills are required
l  Describe how this job might benefit society
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe your favourite weather/season
You should:
l  Say what type of weather you enjoy
l  Say what time of the year this weather usually occurs
l  Explain what activities you like to do in this weather
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a person who taught you a useful skill
You should:
l  Say who the person was
l  Describe the skill that they taught you
l  Explain why this person taught you the skill and how he/ she did it
l  Explain why this skill is beneficial in life
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a gift you received as a child
You should:
l  Say what the gift was
l  Explain what the item was used for (what are its functions)
l  Say who gave it to you
l  Explain why you liked or disliked it
l  Say whether you still have the gift
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Talk about something you lost that was important to you
You should:
l  Say what you lost
l  Say when you lost it and how
l  Say why it was so precious to you at the time
l  Explain how you coped with the loss
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe your favorite movie
You should:
l  Say what the movie is called
l  Say when you first saw it
l  Say whether you have re-watched it and why
l  Briefly describe what the movie was about
l  Say why you think others might like this film
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a TV programme you like to watch
You should:
l  Say what the programme is
l  Say how often you watch it
l  Say what type of programme it is (documentary, soap, drama, news, etc.)
l  Explain why you enjoy this programme
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe your favourite newspaper or magazine
You should:
l  Say what the newspaper or magazine is called
l  Say how often you buy it
l  Say where you purchase it from
l  Briefly describe the contents of the newspaper or magazine
l  Explain why this newspaper or magazine is your favourite
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a seaside resort you would like to visit
You should:
l  Say where it is
l  Say why you would to go there
l  Describe some activities that take place there
l  Say when you hope to get the chance to go there
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe one occasion when you were late
You should:
l  Say what event you were late for, and when this occurred
l  Explain what caused you to be late
l  Explain the consequences of your lateness
l  Say what you learned from this experience
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe your favourite radio programme
You should:
l  Say what the radio programme is
l  Say how often you listen to it
l  Say what type of programme it is (drama, music, news, documentary, etc.)
l  Briefly describe what the programme is about
l  Explain why you like this programme
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a musical event you have experienced
You should:
l  Say what the event was
l  Say when it took place
l  Say who was performing
l  Briefly describe what took place at the event
l  Explain why the event was memorable for you
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe what style of clothes you like to wear
You should:
l  Say what style of clothes you prefer
l  Describe this style of clothing
l  Explain why this style appeals to you
l  Explain whether this style is for comfort or fashion
l  Say whether you wear different clothes during different seasons
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a school rule
You should:
l  Say what the rule is
l  Say when and why the rule was first established
l  Explain the consequences of breaking this rule
l  Say whether you think this rule is fair and effective
l  Say whether you would want to change this rule and why
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

Describe a conversation you had with a stranger
You should:
l  Say what the conversation based on
l  Say when and where the conversation was talked
l  Explain why you like the conversation
You have 1 minute to prepare your answer. Your presentation should last between 90 - 120 seconds.

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