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Part1 (黑体字为新增)

Name & hometown & Internet & home & family & studies & weather & noises & schools & driving & cars & housework & concerts& photography& time management & leisure time & computers & birthday & TV program &wedding & public transport & indoor games& painting & colors & toys & flowers & relatives& language & food& flowers


Public Transport

1.       What form of transport do you usually use (to get around your city)?

2.       How often do you use public transportation?

3.       What do you like to do (or take) while you are traveling?

4.       Is the transportation (the trains, buses, trams, etc.) very crowded in your city?

5.       Do you ever have problems with noise when you are traveling?

6.       Are you ever disturbed by the noise from other passengers?

7.       Do you think government could do anything to improve the public transport system in your area?


Indoors Games

1.       Do you play any indoor games?

2.       Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?

3.       What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

4.       Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)?

5.       Did you play electronic games when you were a child? (If yes, what games or why? If no, why not?)

6.       Do you think electronic games are good for children?

7.       What sorts of indoor games do you think children will be playing in the future?

8.       Is there any indoor game you’d like to learn (how) to play?



1.       What happens at a wedding in your country?

2.       When there is a wedding in your country, who usually is present? (who usually attends a wedding)

3.       Are weddings today different to those in the past?

4.       Would you recommend an old-fashioned wedding or a modern one?

5.       Which do you think is better, a small wedding or a luxurious wedding?



1. A friend you have not seen for a long time = A person you enjoy talking to(新增)

2. A celebrity

3. A child= A happy personA teenager(新增)

4. A happy marriage

5. A band/ singer

6. A family member who influences you most (新增)

7. Someone you know who made a wrong decision = A wrong decision you have made 新增



1. Describe something you want to save money to buy = Describe an electronic device = gift you sent to othersA new year present (新增) An useful piece of equipment (not computer)

2. Describe an unhappy shopping experience(新增)

= Describe a thing you bought that you weren’t satisfied with(新增)

3. A work of art

4. Describe your dream job when you were a child

An unusual job you think you can do in the future (新增)

5. A time you saw interesting animal

6. Favorite weather

7. A toy in your childhood

8. Science class

9. A plan (not related to study or work) you want to make in the future (新增)

10. A type of dance you know (新增)

11. A class or train session you enjoyed (新增)

12. A food you like 新增



1. An unforgettable birthday = Something kind that someone did for you

   = An event that made you laugh

2. An physical exercise = A vehicle you want to buy

3. A first day of school/course/job = an exciting experience = happy time

4. A free day you want to enjoyA way to relax(新增)

5. Group activities = sport competition

6. A difficult thing you did well = A project you take part in with others Describe one of the difficult experiences you have suffered recently (新增)

7. An occasion you have to be polite (新增)

8. A casual activity you did on the beach (新增)

9. A traditional event in your country (新增)

10. Leisure activity near the sea you like most (新增)

11. A project you worked with others


1. An important city in your country = A place of natural beauty = A place near water =travel in childhood dream city(新增)

2. A street you like A peaceful place(新增)

3. A popular place of interest(新增)

4. Describe a beautiful house or apartment you’ve visited(新增)

5. Describe a Chinese garden you visited(新增)

6. Describe a museum(新增)



1. An educative TV programSports TV program you often watch (新增)

2. An advertisement

3. One of your favorite ways of communication

4. A book you would like to read again (新增)

5. A old photograph (新增)

6. A film about real people and events(新增)= historic event

7. A song meat for you (新增)


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