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小编:Eileen 78


  As far as I know that Christmas has always being the best time of the year? Yes, Christmas season offers strong emotions just like the Spring Festival in China. From emotion of joy to the emotion of love. Christmas is the magic that everyone interests.

  In the Christmas season, we celebrate the birth of Jesus with traditions. But the truly meaning is all about "Giving"! Such as provide shelters to the homelessness and deliver food to the poorly children. So many families I know follow the same traditions as I do. My Christmas is special because that I have spent most of my childhood in SA and my parents always tell me to be kind to each other, so we have formed a warm and peaceful family.

  The 24th of December is one of my favorite days in the year because it marks the beginning of my holidays. Just few days before the Christmas Eve, my family and I go to the shopping malls and buy a artificial Christmas tree for house decoration. Christmas spirit is everywhere on the early days of December in China, the stores play festive music and are usually decorated uniquely to the last detail. It reminds me that Christmas season is coming.

  This Christmas We all had a wonderful time in GEDU Nan Tong School. We have prepared a special Christmas party for our sweet and lively students. We put the trees up together, we play Christmas music in the background. After the tree is up, the excessive amount of dessert has been brought, then the students and our esteemed teachers all come for the big day in our school centre. We played several games with each team and the winner team gets the reward of first prize. my team is called "iTeam"which stands for Intelligent Team. Eventually and luckily we have got the second prize in the game contest.

  After the Christmas party comes the giving and sharing part, which we all share our sweets with each other. Then we enjoy the sweets which we either got that day or we brought from home. The games are my favorite part of the day. It is something which all the teachers and students get involved in and has a great hearty laugh over.

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