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小编: 404


Describe a new law in your country.
You should say:
What law it is.
When and how you knew this law
And explain why you think it is a good law.


  1. 限制塑料袋的使用 Restricting the use of plastic packaging

塑料袋 (plastic bags or plastic packaging)

白色污染 (white pollution)

环保袋 (environment-friendly bags)

生物可降解 (biodegradable)

能源消耗 (energy consumption) 

不可再生资源 (non-renewable energy resources)

出台法律 (roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law)


  1. 知识产权法 Intellectual property right law

正版 (authentic/real/genuine copy) 

盗版 (pirated/fake copy)

下载 (download)

下载文件链接 (download link)

打击 (crack down on/stamp out) 

在线观看 (online video streaming)

睁一只眼闭一只眼 (turn a blind eye to)

完善的体系制度 (well-established system)

  1.  禁止酒后开车 Prohibition of drunk driving

严重后果 serious consequences

引起伤亡 causing deaths or injuries

被指控犯有刑事罪行be charged with criminal offences

致命的车祸 fatal car accidents

呼气试验 breath test

更严厉地惩罚 harsher punishment

遏制酒后驾驶 curb drink driving

构成刑事犯罪 constitute a criminal offence

吊销驾照 have their driver's licenses revoked

等待五年后申请新驾照wait five years to apply for new licenses

  1. 禁止公共场合吸烟 Prohibition of smoking in public places

违反法律法规 rebel against laws and regulations

没有社会秩序 no order in society

很好的一条法律 an incredibly good law

实施 put into practice/ enforced

禁止 ban

对国家和个人都很好的一条法律a great law for the individual and for the state

引起肺癌 causes lung cancer

文明 uncivilized

烟臭 stink of cigarettes

火灾及灾难的原因reason for many fire accidents and disasters



Well, I want to talk about the law prohibiting drunk driving which was released last April. In order to reduce the number of drunk driving cases and traffic accident, drunk drivers will face harsher punishments and higher fines. That means they will not be able to apply for a new license in the next five years and fines will go up to a maximum of 2000 Yuan. Also, drunk drivers will face being banned from driving for life if their behavior results in a serious traffic accident. Personally, it is a good law, because a severe traffic accident will result in death, which brings pain to themselves and their loved ones. Therefore, everybody should be responsible for their behaviors and do their parts for our society. If the law had been published two years ago, the driver who was drunk would not have hit my brother and my brother would have not lost his left leg. This accident brought our family a lot of pain. I think this new law can prevent the occurrence of such serious accident if it is carried out effectively.

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